The 42nd European Conference of EPTA ASSOCIATIONS

Please note that this event is postponed due to current events - It will now be held ONLINE on Friday 31st October (late AM) until Sunday 1st November (approx 4:00pm)
From Friday 31stOctober to 1st November 2020 EPTA Germany will host the 42nd European Conference of EPTA ASSOCIATIONS:
"Beethoven 2020: a Theme with Variations” celebrating the 250th annicversary of his birth.
There will be four ZOOM-Meetings on the main topics of the lectures:
Saturday 31st October 2020.
17.00: MEZ (Central European Time): Early works by Beethoven, pedagogical aspects
18.30: Beethovens Piano music: Artistic and analytic aspects
Sunday 1st November 2020
17.00: Beethoven and his contemporaries (Czerny, Clementi …)
18.30: Beethoven‘s influence on later composers
These discussions are open to all participants of the Conference
15.00: AGM will be held as a ZOOM meeting
Please send an email to to attend
Signing up for the Conference is only required for the different Live Elements : discussion panels and the AGM.
All other videos, lectures and the Diabelli Variations are free and open to all on the website from 24th October with the online brochure , containing Abstracts of all Lectures and Biographies of the contributors. To watch the videos, please apply for a link to With the participation link you can also take part in some Live-discussions. All lecturers have been asked to join one of four discussion panels according to the topic of their contribution. The ZOOM-Meetings will start with a short statement from each lecturer and after that we will open the discussion for the public.
Detailed conference programme and application form: